You should check whether all active “Edit Permission Inheritances” are consistent. To do so please perform the following steps:
Old approach (until 2024-05-11 ~12:00 UTC)
Step | Details |
1 | Navigate to the following URL Code Block |
https://<<your_url>>.atlassian.net/wiki/plugins/servlet/ac/de.edrup.confluence.plugins.edit-inherit/edit-inherit-deviation |
2 | Wait until all details have been loaded (might take quite a while) and remove all unwanted additional edit permissions by clicking on the trash icon next to the permission. Note |
Please note that not all additional edit permissions are unwanted! |
Image Added |
Expand |
Step | Details |
1 | Get all active “Edit Permission Inheritances” by navigating to the following URL: Code Block |
https://<<your_url>>.atlassian.net/wiki/search?cql=editinheritenabled%3D%22true%22 |
| 2 | Navigate to each of the pages returned by the search and click on the Edit Permission Inheritance icon. Image Modified | 3 | Once the dialog opens the app searches for an incomplete inheritance. In case it detects issues a warning like this one is shown: Note |
Inheritance seems to be inconsistent. 1 (2770927747) descendants seem suspicious. Fix those pages |
| 4 (UPDATED) | Please inspect those pages and Remove additional edit permission manually or Switch on the option “Remove additional edit permissions during inheritance” at least temporary and click on “Fix those pages”. ⚠️ Please note that this variant will also remove edit permissions which have been added to a child page manually.
Background: the app knows that something went wrong during inheritance on a specific page but did not keep records of what went wrong => a fully automated fix is unfortunately not possible. | 5 | Move to the next page and re-start with step #2. 💡 You might use additional tabs of your browser to speed up the process |
New approach (starting 2024-05-11 ~12:00 UTC)
Navigate to the following URL
wait until all details have been loaded (might take quite a while) and remove all unwanted additional edit permissions by clicking on the trash icon next to the permission.
Please feel free to open a ticket here. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue.