Service level agreement

Service level agreement


This service level agreement defines the expected reaction time in case of bugs or security issues. It also explains how we approach new Confluence versions.

Expected reaction and solution time related to bugs


Category in case of security related bugs (CVSS v3)

Paid plugins **

Free plugins **


Category in case of security related bugs (CVSS v3)

Paid plugins **

Free plugins **

General reaction time


2 days

3 days

Critical and Major bug reaction time

>= 9

2 days

3 days

Critical and Major bug solution time*

>= 9

5 days

7 days

Minor bug reaction time

>= 4 

3 days

4 days

Minor bug solution time*

>= 4

10 days

15 days

Trivial bugs reaction time

< 4

3 days

4 days

Trivial bugs solution time*

< 4

15 days

20 days

*) We can only influence the solution time of bugs which we have under our control. Bugs related to issues of the framework or the Atlassian application (e.g. Confluence) have no planned solution time. An acceptable work around counts as solution.

**) days always means working days (Monday- Friday). We are closed on Bavarian holidays.

Back port policy of security related bugs

We ensure that we fix all versions of our app to cover all Confluence versions currently supported by Atlassian.

Solution time of feature requests

We will respond to feature requests within the general reaction time indicated before and will indicate how we will proceed with the feature request. However we can’t make any general statements if and if yes in which time a new feature will be implemented.

Compatibility with new Confluence versions

We will ensure a compatibility with new Confluence versions typically within 10 working days after the release of a new Confluence version. In case of breaking changes (this typically happens e.g. from Confluence 8 to Confluence 9) we need up to 20 working days.






Critical bug

the whole plugin cannot be used

Major bug

major functions are not usable; the intended use cannot be achieved

Minor bug

bugs where other (non major) functions are not usable; usability issues

Trivial bug

all other bugs

Reaction time

expected time until the first qualified action to identify the problem

Solution time

expected time to solve the problem (a proper workaround is also rated as a solution)