Simple Checkout for Confluence Server and Data Center

Simple Checkout for Confluence Server and Data Center

What is it?

The Simple Checkout app adds check-out (lock) functionality for attachments to Confluence. An attachment checked-out (locked) by a certain user can only be edited by this user until it is checked-in again.

Legal documents

The following legal documents apply for all of our apps:


The app can be configured globally and per space while space setting always over-write the global settings.

Accessing the global settings
Accessing the space settings

You can configure the following parameters:

  • Enable check-out functionality: check to enable check-out functionality globally or for the space.

  • Allow admins to force a check-in: allow Confluence admins or the applicable space admins to force a check-in.

  • Remind to check-in after: define the number of whole hours (e.g. 2) after which a user is reminded to conduct a check-in. Leave this field empty in case you don't want a reminder.

  • Force check-in after: define the number of whole hours (e.g. 4) after which the attachment is checked-in automatically. Leave this field empty in case you don't want an automatic check-in.

  • Mail title and body: you can customize the mail title and body of the mail send out as reminder to check-in and as notification that an attachment has been checked-in and is now available. You may user the placeholders defined in each field description.

The default mail title and body are as follows:


Default template


Default template

Check-in reminder title

Check-in reminder for $attachmentTitle

Check-in reminder body

Dear $userName, you have checked out $attachmentTitle on page $pageTitleWithLink since $sinceHours hours. Please check-in the attachment.

Notification title

Attachment $attachmentTitle is now available

Notification body

Dear $userName, the attachment $attachmentTitle on page $pageTitleWithLink has been checked-in and is now available.


Simple Checkout provides the following symbols / UI elements in the attachments view of each page as well as in the Attachments macro output.

UI element


UI element


Attachment checked-out (locked) by another user. This symbol is shown next to the filename. When you hover over the symbol or filename you can see who checked-out this attachment.

Attachment checked-out (locked) by you. his symbol is shown next to the filename.


Use this button to check-out (lock) an attachment.


Use this button to check-in (unlock) an attachment.

Force check-in

In case you have to right to force a check-in you can use this button to do so.

Notify me

Use this button to request a notification once the attachment has been checked in.

Check-out history

Show recent check-out/check-in actions.

This link is only available for admins and space admins and is only shown in the attachments view.

Trouble shooting

Frequent support cases

No current ones

Known limitations

The plug-in has the following known limitations:

  • The app only prevents concurrent editing of attachments when the Confluence means are used. Concurrent editing of e.g. Gliffy diagrams are not covered by this app.

Getting support

Please use our ticketing system to create a support ticket regardless whether you found a bug, have a feature request or questions.