Tree View for Confluence Cloud

Tree View for Confluence Cloud

What is it?

The Tree View app allows you to set or remove watches to the current page and all its descendants with a single action (applying a “Tree Watch”). The app also checks whether new pages have been added to the trees you watch and will set the watch automatically. The same applies for branches being moved into one of your trees. In both cases you will get an email by the app.

Please note that a “Tree Watch” should NOT be seen as an additional type of watch. The app only sets or removes page watches. You may still set or remove watches from single pages. The app never enforces a watch.

Legal and policy documents

The following legal documents apply for all of our apps:


App configuration

On the “Manage apps” screen of your Cloud instance expand the Tree View Cloud app and click “Configure”

Entering the configuration

You will see a screen which shows the current configuration.

The configuration screen

The description below each field explains in details what can be configured.

Ensuring proper permissions

A Tree Watch is a so-called custom-content for which you need to set permissions at:


A proper permission set looks as follows:



Setting a tree watch





Navigate to the parent which shall be the starting point of your “tree”.


Click on the Tree Watch Icon


Turn the tree watch on and click apply


Removing a tree watch

Same as setting a tree watch but turn turn the green toggle switch off before you click Apply.

Getting an overview of all your active tree watches

Open your personal settings by clicking on the image in the top right corner. You will the see a page like this one:

Just click on “Tree Watches” and you will see a list of all your active tree watches (as long as the index already knows them).

You can also remove a tree watch from here.

Frequent support cases





I added a tree watch to a quite big tree. Some pages still show the watch flag as being set.

It takes a while for the app to go through all descendants - especially in case of very big page trees. Please give the app some time.

I added a tree watch a few seconds ago but it does not show up in my user profile.

The app uses the Confluence index to get all of your tree watches. The index however takes approx. 45 seconds (sometimes even longer) to catch a new tree watch.

I have added a tree watch to a space’s homepage - however the toggle switch does not indicate it sometimes.

Due to a bug in Confluence Cloud our app gets a wrong page id when you navigate from a child page back to the space’s home homepage via the breadcrumbs links shown on top of the title. Please perform a reload of the page in case you are observing this issue.

Migration from Server / Data Center to Cloud

Please follow the Tree View Migration Guide

We continuously amend this list.

Known limitations

  • In case other apps add pages as app (not as the current user) the Tree View app needs access to the relevant space

Getting support

Please use our ticketing system to create a support ticket regardless whether you found a bug, have a feature request or questions.